Black Beryl

Daemons, Tantra, and Cultural Exchange with David Gordon White

Season 3 Episode 4

Today I sit down with David Gordon White, a distinguished indologist and scholar of Tantra. Our conversation focuses on David’s most recent project tracing the transregional histories of spirits, gods, demons, and their associated rituals across Eurasia. Along the way, we dive into an intellectual conversation about dog-headed men, angry goddesses, alchemical mercury, body-snatching yogis, the origins of Dracula, and much, much more. 

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Resources mentioned

Resources provided by the interviewee on

  • PDF of David's chapter in Oxford Handbook of Tantric Studies 
  • PDF of David's article, "Were-Creatures of the Eurasian Ecumene"
  • PDF of David's article, "Dracula’s Family Tree" 

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